Sunday, March 13, 2011

7. Food Label Worksheet

What is your food product? - McDonald's Big Mac Burger

1. What is the serving size? - 219grams
2. How many servings per container? - 1
3. How many calories per serving? - 560 kcal
4. How many calories are from fat? - 270 kcal are from fat
5. What percentage of each serving’s calories comes from fat? - 48.2%

6. What is the total fat percentage of your food? - 48.2%
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - this content is high in fat
7. What is the saturated fat percentage in your food? - 50%
Is this content Low/High? - 50% content of saturated fat is high
8. How much of your diet should come from saturated fats? - 180kcal/2000kcal which is 9%

9. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? - at room temperature, saturated fats are solid, and the unsaturated fats are liquid

10. What is the percentage cholesterol in your food? - 27%
Is that Low/Moderate/High - very high in cholesterol
11. How much sodium is in your food? - 1010mg, about 42%
Is this content Low/Moderate/High?
12. What is the carbohydrate content of your food? - 47 grams carbohydrates
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - a bit low
13.What is the sugar content of your food? - 8g
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - moderate - high
14. Why are sugars not good for you? - sugars can suppress the immune system, produce a significant rise in triglycerides, can cause hypoclycemia, produce acidic stomachs, and also increases cholesterol and can contribute to diabetes.

15. How much fiber is in your food? - 3g
16.Why is fiber good for you? - fiber is good for me because fiber cannot be absorbed by the body. Because fiber can't be absorbed it pushes everything else with in in the intestines and helps our body to clean our intestines. Fiber helps the overall digestion system

17. How much protein is in your food? - 25g
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - low
18. What is the Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron content of your food?
Vit. A - 8%
Vit. C - 2%
Calcium - 25%
Iron - 25%
Are these amounts adequate? - low on Vitamin A and C, moderate on Calcium and Iron

19. Overall, what would you say is the nutritional value of your food? Is it good for you? Why or why not?

-I think the nutrition value of McDonald's Bic Mac isn't very good for me. The ideal nutrition is 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 30% protein. Big Mac has 48.2% fat, which exceeds the ideal amount by almost 20%. Also it lacks about 6% of carbohydrates, and 12% of protein. Big Mac also has 1.5grams of trans fat which is the worst type of fat. Although the content balance isn't very great, Big Mac contains many nutrients such as sodium, potassium, vitamin A and C, calcium, and iron. I think it would be ok if I eat Big Macs once in every week or 2. If I eat the Big Mac, the nurient content won't be very good due to the high fat, and the low protein and carbohydrates.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

6. Nutrition Analysis

Weekend Calorie

Weekday Nutrition Graph

Weekday Cal. Balance

Weekend Calorie

Weekend Nutrition Graph

Weekend Cal. Balance

Self - Assessment


For my diet, I got 31% carbs, 41% fats, and 28% proteins. This shows that my diet is unbalanced and I need to consume more carbohydrates when I need to reduce the levels of fat that I consume. I think that I need to eat more food that contain lots of carbohydrate and eat less food that contains fats. I need eat more food products such as bread and rice which contain lots of carbohydrates but are also low in fat.

I consume most of the nutrients above the average line, but there are some nutrients such as fiber, vitamin c, vitamin d, vitamin e, calcium, and magnesium that I don't consume over the average line. My nutrition level is very how on nutrients such as proteins, vitamin B, selenium, and zink.

Although I lack some nutrients that I should be consuming, my calorie balance is almost same as the calorie I'm burning. The calorie that I consumed was 2616 and the calorie I burned was 2646, so I am not gaining nor losing substantial weight. So, in terms of my calorie balance, I am quite healthy because I consume just the amount of calories that I burn.


My weekend diet isn't very different from my weekday diet although there are some differences in the amount of nutrients that I consume. During the weekend, I consumed 35% carbohydrates, 28% fat, and 36% proteins. Compared to the weekday, I consumed more proteins and less fat. For the carbohydrates, I consumed about 4% lower than I should, and for proteins, I conusmed 5% more than I should consume. Therefore, I should eat more food such as rice and bread that contains carbohydrates.

Similar to the weekday, I consumed low on fiber, and the Vitamins. This tells me that I should be eating more food that contain fiber and vitamins such as bananas, apples, and other fruits. If I compare the nurition graph of the weekday and the weekend, they are almost the same, so I can say that I consume similar levels of nutrients despite eating different kinds of foods.

My calorie balance is a little bit different compared to the weekday. I consume 2938 calories when I burned 2646. This tells me that I have gained more calories than the calories that I have gained. But the amount of calories that I gained is only 300 calories, which isn't very big. I think that I am generally healthy in terms of calorie balance because I am able to store the leftover energy for future purposes.


According to the data tables above, I generally consume similar amounts of calories to what I burn. During weekdays, I consumed more fats compared to the average percentage, and during the weekend, I consumed more proteins compared to te average percentage. Although my nutrition balance isn't perfect, I think that I'm pretty healthy because my nutrution balance is balanced between carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Although I consumed different levels of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and nutrients that I take in are almost same.

One thing that I have noticed through this activity is that I do not consume lots of food through breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also eat plenty of snacks and fruits beside the main 3 meals to keep myself healthy and I think that is the reason why I am able to consume most of the necessary nutrients that I need.

Monday, February 28, 2011

5. My Food Consumption

-soy bean stew and rice (1 bowl)
-Subway sandwich, seafood and crab, cola(1 cup)
-McDonalds Quarter Pounder medium set
-chili crab at fatty crab (2.4kg as a family)
-2-3 liters of water
-watermelon (100g)

-1 ramen
-spaghetti carbonara
-McDonalds Big Mac medium set
-2-3 liters of water
-Tomatoes (100g)
-homemade sandwiches (3 pieces)

-rice (1 bowl)
-udong and milo(1 cup)
-1 bowl of rice
-pork collar (0.5-0.6kg)
-2-3 liters of water
-Watermelon (100g)
-sandwiches (2 pieces)

-1 bowl of rice
-2 milos
-one hamburger from Sam Snack
-1 bowl of rice and soy bean stew
-2 sandwiches
-2-3 liters of water
-tomatoes (100g)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

4. Health in the News: Stress, Depression & Suicide

Title: Suicide
Author: Dr. Trisha Macnair
Source: BBC News
Date: Reviewed in 2010

-Suicide is the act of someone killing himself/herself and there are about 1 million people committing suicide every year. There are many causes of suicides such as depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia, physical illness, alcohol, and drug abuse. People with abuse problems are more likely to commit suicide than people who do not have problems because the problems might affect the people's decision making skills and create more stress. We might be able to help the people who are thinking of committing suicide by talking and listening to them or advising to seek professional help.

Big Meaning
-This article talks about causes and the preventions of suicide. The main idea is the emphasis on how mental illness such as depression can cause people around the world. This issue is very serious because many people suffer from depression but don't have the ability to cure it properly. People who suffer from depression cannot control their emotions and think they are useless which can lead them to have bad decision skills and force them to rely on others around them. Individuals with depression might harm themselves by cuttng or committing suicide or severly injuring themselves. Depression is like a disease in the sense that it can be prevented and treated. As a global society, we should put more effort to prevent people from committing suicide by offering them with much care and interest so the suffering individuals can redeem themselves mentally.

Personal Meaning
-Suicide is very important to me because the number of people committing suicides has been steadily increasing over the years. I have been curious on why people have been committing suicides and how major illnesses such as depression play a role. I have heard about some people who have committed suicides but I don't have any personal experiece relating to suicides. I want to gain more knowledge on suicides because it might affect the people around me in the future. If I have more knowledge, I might be able to help those people who are suffering from mental illness. This article was very useful to me because it gave me more awareness and information on depression and suicides, which are big issues currently around the world.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

3. Health Interview

Interview an older person (at least 25 years old) you know who seems to be especially healthy. Complete the questions below as a blog post in your own blog.

What is his/her relationship to you?

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.
-yes, I have always been healthy throughout my life and I have never had a big injury or sickness

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits - eat good food, try to avoid eating fast food

Fitness Habits - exercise on a regular basis, play sports such as golf or tennis

Coping with Stress - I cope with my stress by playing sports

Dealing with Conflicts - I think about the problem alone and then discuss with close people

Keeping a Positive Attitude - I just stay to stay positive by thinking that good things will happen eventually

3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.
-I felt that I wanted to stay healthy, so I have developed these habits such as exercising and stop smoking to keep myself healthy.

4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?
-I want to live a long, safe, and healthy life so I can keep myself happy. I don't want to suffer due to my unfortunate health habits that might affect my life.

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: What is one aspect of the wellness wheel that you think you are weak compared to the other aspects?

Answer: I think my social is a bit weak compared to the other aspects because I only work with a limited amount of people and I don't get to see money people. My job doesn't require meeting new people. It is also hard for me to reconnect with my old friends because I'm very busy with my work.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2. My Wellness Wheel

1. Physical - 4/5
I think I am physically well because I eat good food and exercise on a regular basis

2. Social - 4/5
-I think I am socially healthy because I interact and discuss my issues with friends. I am able to chat with my friends about different things such as academics, and issues around school and the world.

3. Spiritual - 3/5
-I think I will only receive a 3/5 because I don't always think about my spiritual health

4. Emotional - 4/5
-I think I am emotionally fit because I am able to control my emotions without getting angry, or depressed. I generally maintain a positive attitudes towards everything.

5. Occupational - 4.5/5
-I think I am occupationally healthy because I spend a considerable amount of time trying to maintain a good academic grade. My occupation is a student, and therefore I put in a great effort to be successful as a student by completing my works on time.

6. Intellectual - 4/5
-I read about many different things and I also spend some time thinking about many different issues.

1. What is your definition of a healthy person

A healthy person is someone who is physically stable. He will have a balanced diet such as vegetables, fruits, and meats. A healthy person would eat regularly 3 times a day in similar times of the day, and would eat a variety of foods that contain vitamins, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. He will receive the necessary nutrients through the food he eats. A healthy person gets 3 good meals a day regularly. A healthy person exercises or does sports on a regular basis. He will rarely get sick, and has healthy organs that are not damaged.
A healthy person is also mentally stable. He doesn't get depressed easily and he maintains a positive attitude. He doesn't suffer from mentally challenging problems.
A healthy person is also social with his friends, and he is emotionally engaged with his friends, discussing about things that can be depressing. A mentally healthy person will be able to overcome his difficulties by talking with this friends.
A healthy person will also maintain a balance between work, exercizing, socializing, and resting. If someone doesn't sleep enough and starts to sleep during classes the next day, then that person cannot be considered healthy.
A healthy person is physically, mentally, socially fit and has a balanced life.