Thursday, January 27, 2011

3. Health Interview

Interview an older person (at least 25 years old) you know who seems to be especially healthy. Complete the questions below as a blog post in your own blog.

What is his/her relationship to you?

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.
-yes, I have always been healthy throughout my life and I have never had a big injury or sickness

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits - eat good food, try to avoid eating fast food

Fitness Habits - exercise on a regular basis, play sports such as golf or tennis

Coping with Stress - I cope with my stress by playing sports

Dealing with Conflicts - I think about the problem alone and then discuss with close people

Keeping a Positive Attitude - I just stay to stay positive by thinking that good things will happen eventually

3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.
-I felt that I wanted to stay healthy, so I have developed these habits such as exercising and stop smoking to keep myself healthy.

4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?
-I want to live a long, safe, and healthy life so I can keep myself happy. I don't want to suffer due to my unfortunate health habits that might affect my life.

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: What is one aspect of the wellness wheel that you think you are weak compared to the other aspects?

Answer: I think my social is a bit weak compared to the other aspects because I only work with a limited amount of people and I don't get to see money people. My job doesn't require meeting new people. It is also hard for me to reconnect with my old friends because I'm very busy with my work.

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