Thursday, March 3, 2011

6. Nutrition Analysis

Weekend Calorie

Weekday Nutrition Graph

Weekday Cal. Balance

Weekend Calorie

Weekend Nutrition Graph

Weekend Cal. Balance

Self - Assessment


For my diet, I got 31% carbs, 41% fats, and 28% proteins. This shows that my diet is unbalanced and I need to consume more carbohydrates when I need to reduce the levels of fat that I consume. I think that I need to eat more food that contain lots of carbohydrate and eat less food that contains fats. I need eat more food products such as bread and rice which contain lots of carbohydrates but are also low in fat.

I consume most of the nutrients above the average line, but there are some nutrients such as fiber, vitamin c, vitamin d, vitamin e, calcium, and magnesium that I don't consume over the average line. My nutrition level is very how on nutrients such as proteins, vitamin B, selenium, and zink.

Although I lack some nutrients that I should be consuming, my calorie balance is almost same as the calorie I'm burning. The calorie that I consumed was 2616 and the calorie I burned was 2646, so I am not gaining nor losing substantial weight. So, in terms of my calorie balance, I am quite healthy because I consume just the amount of calories that I burn.


My weekend diet isn't very different from my weekday diet although there are some differences in the amount of nutrients that I consume. During the weekend, I consumed 35% carbohydrates, 28% fat, and 36% proteins. Compared to the weekday, I consumed more proteins and less fat. For the carbohydrates, I consumed about 4% lower than I should, and for proteins, I conusmed 5% more than I should consume. Therefore, I should eat more food such as rice and bread that contains carbohydrates.

Similar to the weekday, I consumed low on fiber, and the Vitamins. This tells me that I should be eating more food that contain fiber and vitamins such as bananas, apples, and other fruits. If I compare the nurition graph of the weekday and the weekend, they are almost the same, so I can say that I consume similar levels of nutrients despite eating different kinds of foods.

My calorie balance is a little bit different compared to the weekday. I consume 2938 calories when I burned 2646. This tells me that I have gained more calories than the calories that I have gained. But the amount of calories that I gained is only 300 calories, which isn't very big. I think that I am generally healthy in terms of calorie balance because I am able to store the leftover energy for future purposes.


According to the data tables above, I generally consume similar amounts of calories to what I burn. During weekdays, I consumed more fats compared to the average percentage, and during the weekend, I consumed more proteins compared to te average percentage. Although my nutrition balance isn't perfect, I think that I'm pretty healthy because my nutrution balance is balanced between carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Although I consumed different levels of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and nutrients that I take in are almost same.

One thing that I have noticed through this activity is that I do not consume lots of food through breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also eat plenty of snacks and fruits beside the main 3 meals to keep myself healthy and I think that is the reason why I am able to consume most of the necessary nutrients that I need.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this assignment Richard. A fairly well written and a thoughtful analysis of your food consumption which demonstrates an excellent understanding of your dietary needs.

    Graphs/Food Log - PH&A - 20/20

    Dietary Analysis - A&P - 20/20
