Wednesday, February 16, 2011

4. Health in the News: Stress, Depression & Suicide

Title: Suicide
Author: Dr. Trisha Macnair
Source: BBC News
Date: Reviewed in 2010

-Suicide is the act of someone killing himself/herself and there are about 1 million people committing suicide every year. There are many causes of suicides such as depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia, physical illness, alcohol, and drug abuse. People with abuse problems are more likely to commit suicide than people who do not have problems because the problems might affect the people's decision making skills and create more stress. We might be able to help the people who are thinking of committing suicide by talking and listening to them or advising to seek professional help.

Big Meaning
-This article talks about causes and the preventions of suicide. The main idea is the emphasis on how mental illness such as depression can cause people around the world. This issue is very serious because many people suffer from depression but don't have the ability to cure it properly. People who suffer from depression cannot control their emotions and think they are useless which can lead them to have bad decision skills and force them to rely on others around them. Individuals with depression might harm themselves by cuttng or committing suicide or severly injuring themselves. Depression is like a disease in the sense that it can be prevented and treated. As a global society, we should put more effort to prevent people from committing suicide by offering them with much care and interest so the suffering individuals can redeem themselves mentally.

Personal Meaning
-Suicide is very important to me because the number of people committing suicides has been steadily increasing over the years. I have been curious on why people have been committing suicides and how major illnesses such as depression play a role. I have heard about some people who have committed suicides but I don't have any personal experiece relating to suicides. I want to gain more knowledge on suicides because it might affect the people around me in the future. If I have more knowledge, I might be able to help those people who are suffering from mental illness. This article was very useful to me because it gave me more awareness and information on depression and suicides, which are big issues currently around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Good job summarizing this article on suicide Richard. I think you have hit on some key points with regards to suicide prevention. 15/15
