Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2. My Wellness Wheel

1. Physical - 4/5
I think I am physically well because I eat good food and exercise on a regular basis

2. Social - 4/5
-I think I am socially healthy because I interact and discuss my issues with friends. I am able to chat with my friends about different things such as academics, and issues around school and the world.

3. Spiritual - 3/5
-I think I will only receive a 3/5 because I don't always think about my spiritual health

4. Emotional - 4/5
-I think I am emotionally fit because I am able to control my emotions without getting angry, or depressed. I generally maintain a positive attitudes towards everything.

5. Occupational - 4.5/5
-I think I am occupationally healthy because I spend a considerable amount of time trying to maintain a good academic grade. My occupation is a student, and therefore I put in a great effort to be successful as a student by completing my works on time.

6. Intellectual - 4/5
-I read about many different things and I also spend some time thinking about many different issues.

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