Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1. What is your definition of a healthy person

A healthy person is someone who is physically stable. He will have a balanced diet such as vegetables, fruits, and meats. A healthy person would eat regularly 3 times a day in similar times of the day, and would eat a variety of foods that contain vitamins, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. He will receive the necessary nutrients through the food he eats. A healthy person gets 3 good meals a day regularly. A healthy person exercises or does sports on a regular basis. He will rarely get sick, and has healthy organs that are not damaged.
A healthy person is also mentally stable. He doesn't get depressed easily and he maintains a positive attitude. He doesn't suffer from mentally challenging problems.
A healthy person is also social with his friends, and he is emotionally engaged with his friends, discussing about things that can be depressing. A mentally healthy person will be able to overcome his difficulties by talking with this friends.
A healthy person will also maintain a balance between work, exercizing, socializing, and resting. If someone doesn't sleep enough and starts to sleep during classes the next day, then that person cannot be considered healthy.
A healthy person is physically, mentally, socially fit and has a balanced life.

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