Sunday, March 13, 2011

7. Food Label Worksheet

What is your food product? - McDonald's Big Mac Burger

1. What is the serving size? - 219grams
2. How many servings per container? - 1
3. How many calories per serving? - 560 kcal
4. How many calories are from fat? - 270 kcal are from fat
5. What percentage of each serving’s calories comes from fat? - 48.2%

6. What is the total fat percentage of your food? - 48.2%
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - this content is high in fat
7. What is the saturated fat percentage in your food? - 50%
Is this content Low/High? - 50% content of saturated fat is high
8. How much of your diet should come from saturated fats? - 180kcal/2000kcal which is 9%

9. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? - at room temperature, saturated fats are solid, and the unsaturated fats are liquid

10. What is the percentage cholesterol in your food? - 27%
Is that Low/Moderate/High - very high in cholesterol
11. How much sodium is in your food? - 1010mg, about 42%
Is this content Low/Moderate/High?
12. What is the carbohydrate content of your food? - 47 grams carbohydrates
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - a bit low
13.What is the sugar content of your food? - 8g
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - moderate - high
14. Why are sugars not good for you? - sugars can suppress the immune system, produce a significant rise in triglycerides, can cause hypoclycemia, produce acidic stomachs, and also increases cholesterol and can contribute to diabetes.

15. How much fiber is in your food? - 3g
16.Why is fiber good for you? - fiber is good for me because fiber cannot be absorbed by the body. Because fiber can't be absorbed it pushes everything else with in in the intestines and helps our body to clean our intestines. Fiber helps the overall digestion system

17. How much protein is in your food? - 25g
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? - low
18. What is the Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron content of your food?
Vit. A - 8%
Vit. C - 2%
Calcium - 25%
Iron - 25%
Are these amounts adequate? - low on Vitamin A and C, moderate on Calcium and Iron

19. Overall, what would you say is the nutritional value of your food? Is it good for you? Why or why not?

-I think the nutrition value of McDonald's Bic Mac isn't very good for me. The ideal nutrition is 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 30% protein. Big Mac has 48.2% fat, which exceeds the ideal amount by almost 20%. Also it lacks about 6% of carbohydrates, and 12% of protein. Big Mac also has 1.5grams of trans fat which is the worst type of fat. Although the content balance isn't very great, Big Mac contains many nutrients such as sodium, potassium, vitamin A and C, calcium, and iron. I think it would be ok if I eat Big Macs once in every week or 2. If I eat the Big Mac, the nurient content won't be very good due to the high fat, and the low protein and carbohydrates.

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